A solo show by Mick Peter
16.03.13 - 27.04.13
SWG3 Gallery , Glasgow

For this show, Mick Peter had been working on a new body of work taking literature, the world of ‘commercial’, illustration and graphic design as starting point. By using an anamorphic illusion the space will be transformed into a site for artifice and imagination, mimicking the tropes of ‘witty’ graphic design from the 60’s and 70’s. In this large scale installation Peter will continue investigate the transposition of drawings into sculptures and flat surfaces into improbable combinations of sculptural forms.

Mick Peter’s works assert the instability of meaning and the rhetorical potential of objects and images. His sculptural output transposes the absurdity and strangeness inherent in the work of writers and designers like Roland Topor, Stefan Themerson and Milton Glaser. In setting up strange and fantastical relationships his projects are disorientating and surprising.

Curated by Camille Le Houezec & Joey Villemont
Supported by Creative Scotland

All images : Courtesy Gallery Crevecoeur & SWG3 Gallery